DON'T nominate Table Ball for the Labor of Love!
NO, that's not sarcasM nor reverse psychology. do not I repeat, do Not nominATE TAble BaLl for the labor of lovE. (my shift key is Broken so forgive my cAsing mistakes)
Lets Look at the Facts shall we?
table ball is full of bugs
table ball dOes not contain oRiginaL music
tABle ball is a really bad redacted clOne
we intend to take table ball down fROm sale next year
but now, as the basis oF any argument, aLlOw me to also show the arguments for nominated table ball for the labor of loVE in the steam awards.
table ball has had constant updates throughout the year
we've attempted to fix almost every single bug that's reported
we have a bunch of new content updates planned
we may end up deciding to keep updating the game and keep it for sale depending on whether we can get an unreal port done
so again, don't NOMINATE TABLE BALL FOR LABOR OF LOVE in the steam awards 2023. of course my shift key got stuck there... great...
Last updated