Unreal Table Ball Demo?!?

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What's this? A Demo for Unreal Table Ball? Why? I'll tell you why, Unreal Table Ball at this current time is VERY early, however is somewhat stable. I originally played with the idea of making Unreal Table Ball it's own Beta Branch in the main game, or taking over the Playtest build, however I didn't want to release it to any branch in the main game until DLC content was finished and added to the game, and I wanted as much visibility for these builds as possible, so I decided instead to offer it as a demo. You can find an update roadmap Link Removed

What's changed so far?

Currently the game is the Table Ball game mode, without the powerups, I'm working on getting the powerups system up and running but as a newish Unreal Engine dev I'm still not overly confident in my ability to bring them back. The game does not include the advanced settings I've mentioned will be coming for Unreal Table Ball, however the backend stuff is there. The game is not currently multiplayer compatible and does not include ANY DLC content. The game has been completely remade in Unreal Engine. You can find an update roadmap Link Removed

When can we expect the original games features to be readded?

Not anytime soon I'm afraid, for Unreal Table Ball I'm focusing on getting the advanced settings system worked on, and then moving my focus to the powerups system. I won't give concrete timeframes for when things will be added. My method of releasing updates has changed since Table Ball Unity, where I'll focus on one big feature per update, for example the "release" build of the demo will hopefully include the advanced settings system, while the first update will potentially include the powerups system, however I cannot make guarantees at this time. You can find an update roadmap Link Removed

When will the Demo release?

I'm aiming for a Quarter 1 2025 release, I had hoped to release the Demo in December but that timeframe is very quickly approaching. I'll announce the release date as I continue work on Unreal Table Ball and get it closer to release. -------------------- I really hope ya'll enjoy Unreal Table Ball as much as I have enjoyed making it, Robin Did I make sure to tell you about the update roadmap which you can find Link Removed

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