Table Ball 2.3.0 Roadmap and other stuff

When will 2.3.0 release? What's Included? And More

HI ALL, I've just checked off the last item in my checklist for Table Ball 2.3.0 so I thought I'd talk about some of the new features/changes, give you guys some important information going forward, and announce some other stuff we're working on. On an important note, I'll have more information regarding the Unity situation after the release of 2.3.0. Release Date

Table Ball 2.3.0 will release 31st of January 2024 (Australian Eastern Standard Time) as long as nothing goes wrong.

New Features in Table Ball 2.3.0

Controller Configuration

That's right, I didn't think I could do it, but I did Table Ball 2.3.0 introduces the ability to change the games keybinds to your liking.

English, Spanish, French and Swedish... Oh My!

Table Ball 2.3.0 also includes localisations, while I plan to introduce more locales to translate the game into, and eventually a dashboard for suggesting translation changes in the future, Table Ball can soon be played in English, Spanish, French and Swedish.

New Powerups System in the Table Ball Game Mode (and 3 new powerups)

I completely rewrote the code for the powerups system to be much more robust, clean and stable. I also added 3 new powerups to the game - Score + - Score ++ - Double Bumper (that's right I finally did it)

Other notable Changes

- Skins can now change ingame audio - Only active with the "glitch" skins for now - Added a new Debug Plugin, use Control+F11 to show your FPS, and change the information shown with Control+10 - Finally finished the new UI, I think the only thing that I hadn't changed before release is the "ball stuck" popup, but I don't intend to change that. - Renamed all game modes - Updated achievements and added 3 new ones

Dropped Support for 32-bit operating systems

You may have noticed in the games System Requirements that the operating system field now includes "64-bit", this is because I've dropped support for 32-bit operating systems. This is something I've been planning to do for a while. I was originally going to wait for a couple of months, but decided to bite the bullet and do it now.

Special Announcement

I'm releasing 2 new DLC packs for Table Ball, Table Balls skins system from the 2.3.0 update and beyond now use "Skin Packs" to filter skins. So I decided to allow you to purchase these skin packs outright, in a future version you'll be able to purchase skin packs (and maybe colour packs, I haven't decided yet) with Pings, though you can still purchase individual skins with pings, that'll never change. Skin Pack 1, includes the "Default" skin pack (Pending a rename) and will release February 28th Emotions Skin Pack, includes the "Emotions" skin pack and will release between March-April Both will be available in the Deluxe Edition of the game (I said I was going to make the Deluxe Edition more "worth it".) Please remember that Table Balls DLC is all optional, you DO NOT and WILL NOT ever need to make a real life purchase to use Table Balls base mechanics, I restrict DLC for Table Ball to cosmetic items only.

Last updated